September 05, 2017 2 min read

'Why do people snore?' is a question that results in a variety of answers, and unfortunately, many of the answers out there aren’t entirely true. There are several different ideas about the implications of snoring, and we’re busting some of the most common snoring myths to bring you the true, proven facts about snoring.

Myth 1: Only men snore

This myth has some truth to it in that men are almost twice as likely to snore than women. However, as you get older, the playing field starts to level out, and you’ll find almost as many female snorers as male.

Myth 2: Snoring is an ‘old people’ problem

This one couldn’t be more wrong. In fact, 30% of people aged 30 - 60 snore and approximately 6% of all children snore. As we age, we are certainly more prone to snoring, but research has shown that snoring affects people of all ages.

Myth 3: Snoring means you’re overweight

Yes,weight is certainly a factor when it comes to snoring, but just because you snore, doesn’t mean you’re overweight. There are a host of reasons why people snore from severe sleep apnea to the shape of your jaw. And although being heavier makes you more prone to snoring, it is by no means the only factor at play.

Myth 4: Snoring isn’t a significant issue

This just might be the biggest myth of all. Many people look at snoring as a nuisance or an embarrassment at best, but don’t consider it a significant issue. If you or someone you know snores, there are many reasons whyyou shouldn’t ignore this issue. Snoring is in many cases a symptom of a more extreme health problem. Not only that, but snoring can also lead to severe health issues down the road.

Many or us picture loud snoring coming from a large, older man, but the truth is, snoring is a shockingly common issue faced by people of all demographics from all over the world. It is also an issue that people often fail to take seriously, leaving many at risk for more severe illnesses. If you snore, consider testing some snoring solutions to see what works best for you.

Not sure if our snoring mouthpiece is the right one for you? Check out our reviews to find out what others are saying about Good Morning Snore Solution, or check out this 3rd party comparison of anti-snoring devices

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