  • A Message to Our Community:

    Covid-19 is having an enormous impact on the world and our global community is experiencing health, emotional and financial hardships. We are here for you during these extraordinarily difficult times.

    We want to let you know that our manufacturer is deemed an ‘essential business’ and will continue to manufacture our mouthpiece during this restricted pandemic response period and in accordance with the highest standards of safety. Our manufacturer has taken extra measures to ensure the safety and health of their workers while they work to serve our community.


    • Our shipping warehouses around the world remain open and deliveries are continuing to all countries we serve.
    • Our customer care team is available to answer your questions and ensure you have the same quality of care.
    • We recognize the importance of getting a good night’s sleep, especially during these trying times. To this end, we have decided to offer a site wide discount of 10% on our mouthpieces (apply code DREAM10 at checkout) during the immediate pandemic response period. We hope that helps!
    • We want you to stay safe and healthy - be kind to one another, wash your hands often, and practice physical distancing. And, get a good night’s sleep to help maintain a healthy mind and body.

    Sincerely, Dr. Nancy Markley, Founder and CEO.MPowrx Health and Wellness Products 2012 Inc.