August 01, 2017 2 min read

A causal link between sleep apnea and high blood pressure is well-established. The serial breathing cessation events experienced by people with this condition constrict blood vessels. This is the origin of high blood pressure.

But sleep apnea treatment may ease high blood pressure. Such treatment includes doctor-directed diet and lifestyle changes, but may also implicate other, more specific therapeutic solutions. Let’s review some of the research addressing these therapies.

CPAP and MADs.

CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) and MADs (mandibular advancement devices) are both proven effective, in varying degrees, for addressing sleep apnea. Recent research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association examined the finding of 51 studies to determine how these therapies affected blood pressure.

Both CPAP and MADs were found to reduce systolic (top number in a blood pressure reading) and diastolic (bottom number) pressure. CPAP was found to be more effective in lowering systolic pressure. However, both therapies rendered overall reduced hypertension, as well as improving daytime energy levels and reducing the fatigue often associated with sleep apnea.

How the therapies work.

CPAP involves the patient wearing a mask while sleeping. This mask is attached to an apparatus which supplies gentle pressure to prevent collapse of the airway. The problem with this apparatus for many patients, is the noise of the machine and having to wear something over their faces.

The MAD provides an alternative for those who don’t adapt well to CPAP. A mouthpiece which pushes the jaw forward is worn. Effective for mild to moderate cases of sleep apnea, this device doesn’t address severe cases of the condition, whereas CPAP does.

A better way.

The Good Morning Snore Solutionmouthpiece offers a more comfortable therapeutic method for addressing sleep apnea. No mask is worn. There is no noisy machinery to keep you awake. There is also no re-positioning of the jaw.

Instead, the Good Morning Snore Solution stabilizes the tongue. Without employing the hard plastic used in MADs, this mouthpiece gently keeps the tongue out of the way of air passages, providing a much more comfortable solution.

In a randomized, controlled cross study, 70% of patients said they would continue using the Good Morning Snore Solution as an alternative to traditional therapies. Subjects also experienced a material reduction in respiratory disturbance and snoring.

For patients seeking a less invasive therapy for sleep apnea, the Good Morning Snore Solution answers that need. It’s also more affordable than other treatments currently available. Developed by leading researchers, this device offers sleep apnea sufferers a viable alternative to traditional therapies.

If you’re suffering from high blood pressure due to sleep apnea, the Good Morning Snore Solution mouthpiece is a comfortable, affordable way to reduce it by addressing the condition. Without noisy machines, intrusive masks, or rigid, uncomfortable mouthpieces, this model is becoming the therapy of choice for those struggling with sleep apnea and the health complications it’s responsible for.

High blood pressure is a serious condition which can impact your overall health. You may be able to reduce your risks with the help of a stop snoring mouthpiece.

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