July 03, 2018 1 min read

Sleeping together and sleeping well should be a top priority for couples. Partners should be willing to compromise to find solutions to sleeping arrangement problems such as chronic loud snoring rather than allowing issues to become points of contention.

Another good way to promote tranquility in the bedroom so that both partners can enjoy being together there is to declutter the space and keep the room neat, tidy, and inviting.

Pets should sleep in their own beds on the floor and not in the bed. When in bed, you need to snuggle with your partner to improve your marriage, not with your furry friend.

You’ll also want to keep technology out of the bedroom because it causes distractions, interferes with the time you spend with your partner, and affects how you communicate with one another.

As you now know, there are several valid reasons why you should make an effort to sleep in the same bed as your partner. So go ahead and enjoy this special time together!

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