November 19, 2018 2 min read

We are thrilled to announce Good Morning Snore Solution’s partnership with Sleeping Children Around the World (SCAW)!

SCAW is a volunteer-based organization that works tirelessly to give millions of children a chance at a good night’s sleep. This is done by providing children in developing countries with bedkits that contain basic fundamentals they are often deprived of, such as a mattress/mat and a bednet to protect against vector-borne diseases such as malaria. SCAW ensures that all bedkits also include clothing and school supplies to give these children extra support to achieve better lives along with better sleep.

In 1970Murray Drydentook a trip to Pakistan where he tripped over a child sleeping on the street. Recognizing the harmful impacts of poor sleep on health, memory, emotions and academic potential, Mr. Dryden and his wife,Margaret Dryden, created SCAW and made a commitment to make a difference in the lives of children worldwide. Over the past 48 years, SCAW has focused on distributing bedkits for free to children aged 6-12 from any culture and religion around the world. To this day, SCAW has raised more than 40 million dollars and delivered more than 1.5 million bedkits to children across 34 developing countries.

MPowrx (makers of Good Morning Snore Solution) and SCAW share common values when it comes to helping people get a better night’s sleep, increasing overall wellness and enabling people to live better lives.

MPowrx hopes to help spread this positive impact and help SCAW support even more children! Putting hopes into action, MPowrx is joining forces with SCAW this holiday season to raise awareness and funds to support children around the world.

During December 3 - 14, Good Morning Snore Solution will be donating a portion of every sale to SCAW and is hoping you will join in spreading the joy! This holiday, we encourage everyone to contribute to this charitable organization, and we will be offering prizes for those who do during our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway! During this giveaway, we are offering 12 amazing sleep prizes, and many ways to enter to win!

A donation of only $35 gives SCAW the ability to give a child a bedkit which contains a mat or mattress, pillow, sheet, blanket, mosquito net and school supplies.

100% of donations to SCAW go towards creating a bedkit, so you can feel secure in knowing all of your donation will be put towards supporting these children. It is worthy of mention that bedkit items that are locally sourced, creating a positive economic impact in the local community where the children live.

Want to learn more about how you can help us support SCAW while winning some amazing prizes? Follow us on Facebook and stay tuned for more information.

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