November 27, 2018 2 min read

Many people keep a journal or diary, maybe even one dedicated to recording dreams, but have you heard of a diary dedicated to your sleep patterns? This is a simple tool that allows anyone to track their sleep habits and figure out what helps them get to sleep, or may be hindering their ability to get proper shut eye. There are many versions of sleep diaries, but here are some of the recommended notes we think you should take in yours!

  • The time you went to sleep & woke up

This will track how many hours of sleep you got, and will help you find the ideal amount of hours that make you feel revived and well rested the next morning.

  • How easily you fell asleep

This will allow you to consider how factors such as caffeine intake, time on electronics or naps throughout the day had impacted your ability to fall asleep.

  • What may have bothered you in your sleep

If you notice yourself waking up or having a difficult time falling asleep, this would be the place to write down why. A partners snoring, too much light, or worrying thoughts could be examples of disturbances to sleep. It can be helpful to note these things so you can find a solution, especially if they bother you consistently.

There are many apps that can help you track your sleep on a digital form, or if you prefer paper, you can easily create your own sleep journal format. There are also many free and printable outlines such as the one from the Sleep Foundation found HERE.

We hope that you consider recording your sleep patterns with a tool like this, to learn more about your nights and achieve better sleep!

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