January 17, 2017 3 min read

Snoring is no laughing matter, especially if you’re the one making this noise while in slumber. Firstly, it’s embarrassing to be making weird noises when you’re sleeping. Secondly, it disturbs other people, and them laughing about it is their “mild” way of complaining about it. Thirdly, snoring is an indication that you’re not sleeping well – the sound is created because of your difficulty in breathing, and not breathing well can definitely lead to a motley assortment of health risks.

If loud snoring has become a nightly (and unconscious) activity for you and the quality of your life is compromised by it, it’s time to see a doctor (a sleep specialist, specifically) and determine the potential reasons why you make motorboat sounds whenever you sleep. You may be suffering from a certain health condition, or need to make some lifestyle changes. Whatever the cause may be, it’s important to discover it and find a solution so sleep will go back to being a completely restful activity for you and your bedroom partner.

Currently, there’s a number of solutions available designed to help stop snoring; there’s surgery, the CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine, mandibular displacement appliances (MDAs), over-the-counter (OTC) remedies, and different types of stop snoring mouth guard or mouthpiece. Among these choices, most snorers choose to use the new stop snoring mouthguards or mouthpieces for they have proven to outperform all the other options. How?

When it comes to cost, they’re the most affordable, considering how they can be used for a really long time. Compared to surgery, the CPAP machine, MDAs, and even medication, these new devices provide the best value for customers’ money; the upfront cost is way lower, regular use does not accrue additional expenses (something that can’t be said for the CPAP machine which uses electricity), and there’s no need to go to a specialist (whose services are in no way cheap) regularly for fittings because they come in one size that fits all.

Another advantage that these newly improved devices have over the other snore solutions is that they are the most comfortable treatment option. Surgery is a scary procedure; the CPAP machine, on the other hand, is often hard to tolerate for most people – having a mask on their faces as they sleep and being connected to a machine is not really their idea of a “restful” night. Meanwhile, MDAs are known to cause soreness and stiffness around the jaws the day after wearing them for a whole night. But with the tongue displacement technology applied to the new stop snoring device, users claim there’s very little discomfort – tongue sensitivity the following day goes away easily.

And lastly, stop snoring mouthpieces are very effective, with results that are comparable to the CPAP. With surgery, there’s a high rate of relapse; MDAs will work as long as they do not come loose and fall off (which, by the way, they are prone to do despite the custom fit). Meanwhile, OTC remedies deliver poor results and are deemed the worst solutions for snorers. Stop snoring mouthpieces, on the other hand, are not only effective, but they are also meant for long-term use. So as long as people wear these, they can rest assured that their snoring will be reduced if not eliminated entirely .

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