September 07, 2018 2 min read

Snoring is often viewed as an issue for older individuals, and many snoring treatments focus on helping that demographic. In reality, snoring is more common in younger adults than realized, demonstrating the need to shift away from the idea that snoring only affects older people.

Because snoring research tends to focus on older individuals, there are few studies looking at snoring in young adults specifically. Although, the limited data available does show that a large percentage of young adults struggle with snoring. A survey which evaluated the sleeping habits of almost 3,000 students aged 18-25 years had 30% report being snorers! That is a significant percentage, but how does this play a role in the daily lives of young adults? Continue to find out how excessive sleepiness caused by sleep disturbances can impact young adults cognitive, emotional and physical wellbeing.

Is Snoring an Issue?

Cognitive Impacts

Sleep disturbances like snoring are shown to impact the ability to perform well academically, which poses as an issue for many young adults who attend post-secondary institutions. A study which examined this relationship illustrated that 30% of those who screened positive for obstructive sleep apnea were at risk for academic failure. This study also discovered that students classified as snorers more frequently failed examinations in comparison to non-snorers.

It has also been found that young adults who sleep for shorter periods of time also report significantly lower GPAs than their same peers who sleep more. This goes to show the great impact sleep has on academic success, proving the importance of snoring solutions that are tailored towards young adults.

Emotional Impacts

Proper sleep also encourages positive mental health and mood. Snoring is said to cause irregular sleep schedules, increasing the odds of experiencing depressive symptoms. A restful snore-free sleep helps achieve a healthy mental state, which can decrease factors that commonly cause snoring in the first place, such as the use of alcohol. Looking at a sample of those who seek medical assistance for sleep problems, it was found that 40% have a mental health disorder. Left untreated, a lack of sleep can have serious impacts on mental health, and there is shown to be a strong correlation between lack of sleep and a greater risk of suicidal ideation, planning and attempt. The proper amount of REM sleep, however, supports the regulation of emotions and rational decision making.

Physical Impacts

Combating snoring in young adults may also decrease the amount of sleep-related vehicle crashes observed commonly within a specific age group. Studies have shown that those between 16 and 29 years of age are more likely to be involved in crashes caused by the driver falling asleep at the wheel. Even 1-2 more hours of sleep can significantly decrease the risk of a sleep-related car accident. This once again demonstrates the importance of getting a full night of uninterrupted quality sleep.

Although many older adults do struggle with snoring, the issue is prevalent in younger adults as well. As a significant percentage of this demographic experience snoring, a solution such as an anti-snoring mouthpiece tailored to young adults can help those finally achieve the sleep they need to successfully perform in all aspects of life.

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