January 18, 2021 2 min read

There are many misconceptions about snoring. Whether you've heard that only men snore or that snoring can't lead to serious health issues, we're here to set the record straight. Here are five common snoring misconceptions, debunked.

Myth 1: The volume of your snoring doesn’t matter

Dr. Patel from Harvard Medical School says it best, “The louder the snoring, the more likely it is to be related to sleep apnea.” Unfortunately, if you have a combination of loud snores that are consistent and bothersome, it’s likely time to seek out professional advice or products to combat this. On the other hand, those who notice their snoring is quiet and infrequent usually have some leeway to try multiple solutions. 

Myth 2: Only adults snore

Safe to say that adults aren’t the only culprits when it comes to snoring. Some studies show that 10% to 12% of children snore regularly as well. However, it’s more common for children to snore due to allergies, obesity, or their natural anatomy. Although snoring isn’t as common for kids as it is for adults, it’s better to keep a watchful eye if your child is producing loud and frequent sounds. 

Myth 3: Dentists can solve your snoring

Dentists can definitely identify possible snoring treatments, but physicians are who you should go to for professional answers. So while dentists can see how your mouth shape and anatomy may lead to snoring and sleep disordered breathing, your family doctor or a sleep specialist is the one who diagnoses you. 

Myth 4: If your snore, you have sleep apnea

People seem to think everyone who snores has sleep apnea. That is definitely not the case. Although sleep apnea is common amongst adults, the list is endless for why snoring happens. Those with sleep apnea repeatedly start and stop breathing during their sleep. This often leads to feeling tired during the day, even if you’ve had a full night’s sleep. If you're waking up refreshed, you likely do not have this sleep disorder.

Myth 5: Snoring is nothing to worry about

In some cases where snoring is non-disruptive and infrequent, you don’t necessarily need to seek professional help. However, if you’re a consistent snorer, it should truly be a priority to fix the root cause. Leaving this issue untreated can have many repercussions. Untreated snoring can cause further stress, disrupted mental and physical functioning, and can take a toll on relationships. Snoring shouldn’t scare you, but it’s certainly worth finding the right solution. 

These misconceptions are common and should be taken with a grain of salt. Although these myths hold some truth, know that snoring is usually manageable. It may take some trial and error, but most people find a solution that works for them!


  1. https://www.health.harvard.edu/press_releases/simple-behavior-changes-can-help-turn-down-the-volume-on-snoring
  2. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/snoring/snoring-children
  3. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/sleep-apnea-symptoms-and-risks-6-myths-to-know

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