June 15, 2020 2 min read

Chances are you’ve Googled 'how to stop snoring?' with results that offernatural snoring remedies, products, lifestyle changes - you name it. There seems to be an abundance of answers for this question, and that’s because there’s no silver bullet when it comes to snoring solutions. So, what's a tongue stabilizing device and is it the right fit for you?  

The basics

Tongue stabilizing devices (TSDs), otherwise known as tongue retaining devices (TRDs) are mouthpieces that hold your tongue in place to prevent snoring or sleep apnea. This type of mouthpieces uses suction to ensure the tongue is in a protruded position that keeps the airway open during sleep. Tongue stabilizing devices are quite simple, they don’t require fittings, are flexible, and relatively inexpensive compared to other snoring devices, such as CPAPs and mandibular advancement devices (MAD). If you’re looking for a quick and easy solution for snoring, a tongue stabilizing device is highly regarded by doctors, sleep specialists, and consumers. 

How do they work?

A common cause of snoring is the tongue falling to the back of the throat and blocking the airway. This would be considered tongue-based snoring. Tongue stabilizing devices work by pulling the tongue forward and keeping it in place with a gentle suction allowing for the airway to stay open, which eliminates snoring.Learn more about how tongue stabilizing devices work.

Pros and possible side effects 

The benefits of using a tongue stabilizing device far outweigh the possible side effects. These devices require no custom fitting, are easy to use, effective, long-lasting, easy to clean, comfortable, and inexpensive. As far as the cons go, some tongue stabilizing device users say that they’ve experienced discomfort for the first few nights along with some minor drooling. These symptoms tend to go away after a few nights.

There’s no doubt that tongue stabilizing devices work. Research has shown that they’re an efficient, inexpensive, and proven tool that results in quiet nights and energetic mornings. The Good Morning Snore Solution anti-snoring tongue device is doctor developed and clinically proven to work. But if you give our mouthpiece a try, and you’re not happy with it, we’ll give you a full refund with our 30-day satisfaction guarantee!

Ready to try Good Morning Snore Solution risk free? Shop now.


  1. https://www.sleepassociation.org/sleep-treatments/tongue-stabilizing-devices-tsds/
  2. https://aadsm.org/docs/JDSM.04.3.65.pdf
  3. https://snoringhq.com/anti-snoring-devices/mouthpieces/mandibular-advancement-devices-vs-tongue-retaining-devices/

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