March 19, 2018 2 min read

Sleep is vital for maintaining a healthy and happy life. However, the threatening rise in the trend of sleep deprivation has become a prevailing problem in our society. Busy schedules, family, work and other stressors have kept us from getting a peaceful sleep.

Major causes of sleep deprivation

Societal demands and busy schedules are two conspicuous facts which cannot be ignored when it comes to the major causes of sleep deprivation. These combined with medical sleep disorders such as insomnia, restless leg syndrome and sleep apnea are today’s leading causes of sleep deprivation.

Also, certain medications and excessive consumption of caffeine can be stimulants, aggravating the symptoms of sleep deprivation. Last but not the least; your sleep environment plays a great role in getting you your required hours of sleep. So if your partner snores, and he/she sleeps without any anti snoring mouthpiece, chances are you’re not getting the quality sleep you need. Hence, factors like noisy spaces, working splits, and excess lights can be some inevitable reasons encouraging the sleep deprivation trend.

The consequences

  • Affects critical thinking - Sleep deprivation can affect your cognitive function and critical thinking process. Chronic sleep deprivation slows down the brain processing and interferes with decision-making capabilities, coordination and balance.
  • Increases risk of disease - Research has shown that sleep deprivation increases the possible risk of diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.
  • A threat to mental health - Not getting enough sleep undoubtedly takes an immediate toll on on your mood and attitude throughout the day. But more importantly, research has shown a strong link between lack of sleep and increased depression.
  • Causes deadly accidents - Being completely sleep deprived often results in the deadly accidents due to drowsy driving.

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