November 02, 2020 2 min read

About 45% of adults snore occasionally, and 25% snore habitually. Unfortunately for those who do snore, there’s no “one solution fits all” solution. In fact, many people with this problem seldom find their perfect snoring solution right away. If you snore, a holistic approach might be a great place to start. Lucky for you, we’ve compiled a list of some tried and true holistic snoring solutions that can work for you!

Cut down on certain foods

Foods loaded with protein, gluten, dairy, and sugar increase the creation of mucus and phlegm in our bodies. Even worse, gluten and dairy products cause tissues in the nose and throat to become more inflamed. It’s best to avoid these foods, especially before bedtime. 

Eat more phlegm clearing foods

On the other hand, eating onions, green tea, honey, lemon, and turmeric can combat snoring. Why? Because onions and turmeric have strong anti-inflammatory properties that could help with this problem. While green tea, honey, and lemon contain decongestants that pose as a simple holistic snoring solution. Great for those who like having honey, ginger, turmeric tea! 

Vitamin C 

If your snoring is a result of a stuffy sinus, then taking that extra vitamin C can be worthwhile. Vitamin C is a holistic snoring remedy that promotes a healthier immune system and can effectively tackle sinus barriers and issues. If you choose this route, a good practice is to take a low dose of vitamin C or consume vitamin c rich foods like papaya, pineapple, clementines, broccoli, and red bell pepper. 

Essential oils

Some essential oils limit your snoring by allowing a clear breathing passageway. Oils such as thyme, peppermint, eucalyptus, and cypress all provide aromatherapy for your respiratory system and nasal passage. Although the scientific data is limited, many snorers swear by essential oils as their best snoring solution. Using essential oils for your bedtime bath, rubbing it on your temple, or even diffusing it with water to spray in your room could provide lasting snoring relief. 


Especially if you live in a relatively dry area, humidifiers can definitely limit, or even eliminate snoring. Dry air often aggravates our bodies and airways. So using a humidifier or two can likely lessen the snoring. This holistic snoring solution better lubricates your throat, making it easier for air to flow through without the vibration and snoring.

Going the holistic snoring solution route can provide surprising, but lasting results. There’s no harm in trying these considering these are great for your overall health and boosts your immune system! 

If you're a habitual snorer, these solutions may not work for you entirely on their own, but may work best when pared with an anti snoring mouthpiece.

For more information on what lifestyle changes can improve your sleep, check out this blog about what affects your sleep.



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