July 08, 2021 2 min read

Tomi is the Marketing Communications Manager at MPowrx Health and Wellness. During office hours, you’ll find her analyzing data and strategizing ways to tell stories more effectively. When she’s not working from her home office, Tomi is writing, making music with her sister, or baking vegan treats.

As a proud Nigerian, Tomi chose GEANCO as her charity. Although Tomi was born in Eastern Canada and raised in Alberta, Tomi considers Nigeria to be a “home far, far away from home.”

“My parents were born and raised in Nigeria, and most of my family lives there,” says Tomi. “My dream is to one day spend a few months in Lagos to hang out with all my cousins and help my aunt run her school. I can’t wait for my next trip back.”

As incredible as Nigeria is, according to GEANCO,it has some of theworst social indicators in the world.” Below are some statistics taken from the GEANCO website

  • The number of Nigerians living on less than $1/day exceeds the total populations of South Africa, Kenya and Malawi combined.
  • According to a 2007 report by the World Health Organization (WHO),Nigeria’s health system ranks 187 out of 190 countries.
  • Sadly, Nigeria is largely ignored by Western donors. Foreign development assistance (FDA) received by Nigeria is$6 per capita. The FDA average for all of sub-Saharan Africa is over $20 per capita.

In addition to all this, the Economist once declared Nigeria “the worst place for a baby to enter the world.”

So where does GEANCO come in? 

GEANCO organizes special surgical missions and runs a Clinton Global Initiative program to fight anemia and help vulnerable pregnant women safely deliver healthy babies in Nigeria.  

The organization also donates computers, books, medicine and sports fields to schools in the country. Through theirDavid Oyelowo Leadership Scholarship for Girls, GEANCO provides full tuition, medical care, and professional psychological support to young female victims of terrorism and gender inequality in Nigeria.

As Global citizens, we want to do our part to help support worthy causes. From July 9  to 19, $2 from every sale will be donated to GEANCO.

Click here to learn more about GEANCO

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