April 26, 2021 4 min read
Occasional snoring isn’t something to be alarmed about. In fact, up to 45% of adults will snore from time to time. Snoring becomes a problem only when it seriously affects your (and your partner’s) sleep. This commonly happens with habitual snoring or snoring due to sleep apnea.
Because sleep deprivation can seriously impact your ability to function and your health, it’s important to take disruptive snoring seriously. Your doctor may recommend certain lifestyle changes — such as losing weight, avoiding alcohol, or sleeping on your side — to help you deal with snoring.
However, you also have the option to choose snoring mouthpieces, aka anti-snoring devices. Knowing more about these products can help you decide which one is best for you.
Most snoring is caused by throat tissue partially blocking your airway. This can happen due to your anatomy or because of low muscle tone in your throat area. That’s why most anti-snoring devices are products designed to “unblock” your airway. There are two main types of anti-snoring devices:
Named after the mandible, or lower jaw bone, these devices work by moving the lower jaw slightly forward. This also moves the tongue forward, in this way reducing the obstruction. They are the most widely used snoring solution and look somewhat like a mouthguard.
MADs come in several types, the most common being boil and bite, semi-custom, and custom dental. The first one is available in pharmacies and online and can be fitted at home. This is usually done by boiling them in water to soften their resin or silicon and biting into them so the material fits your teeth. The second requires that you provide a mold of your teeth, and the last one is fitted by specialists.
Also called tongue retaining devices (TRD), these pull the tongue slightly forward and keep it in place. This opens up your airway and prevents vibration.
They look like a large pacifier with a hole to fit your tongue. These are often made with plastic or silicone resin and can also be custom-made or non-custom.
Other anti-snoring solutions include positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines, commonly recommended for sleep apnea. For snoring caused by nasal blockage or mouth falling open during sleep, there are nasal dilators, vestibular shields, and snoring chin straps.
Most studies examining the effectiveness of anti-snoring devices were done in sleep apnea patients. Nonetheless, their findings could apply to people with non-apneic snoring.
Experts gauge the effectiveness of oral appliances mainly by answering the following:
With that in mind, a review of these studies published in Sleep & Breathing found that these devices reduced AHI in half of all cases and snoring in 45% of the cases. Their effects on daytime functioning were moderate, but compliance was great compared to CPAP machines. The side effects were minor and included things like teeth discomfort and excess saliva.
The researchers concluded by saying that, although these devices are not as effective as CPAP, they have a definite role in the treatment of snoring and apnea.
Bear in mind that oral appliances are generally more effective for simple snoring and mild to moderate sleep apnea, according to the American Thoracic Society. That’s why the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends CPAP as first-line therapy and oral appliances as an alternative.
Good Morning Snore Solution is a non-custom tongue stabilizing device. It’s composed of a flange that’s placed between the lips and teeth and a bulb with an opening for the tongue. Squeezing the bulb forms a vacuum that keeps the tongue in place.
The device is intended for people with non-apneic snoring. However, it has a couple of advantages over other snoring solutions and devices of its kind:
The device also comes with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, lasts up to a year, and is affordable. All these features make this one of the best devices of its kind. For more info on how to purchase one, click here.
The best device is one that is suitable for your particular case. Snoring can be a result of a plethora of different issues, so it’s important to know what is causing your issue before choosing a device.
With that out of the way, things you want to look for in an anti-snoring solution include:
Lightweight and compact - bulky mouthpieces can be uncomfortable and make it hard for you to adhere to them.
Easy to clean - Mouthpieces should be made with materials that are impermeable and easy to clean with certified cleaning solutions.
Affordable - A mouthpiece does not have to be expensive to be effective. Besides affordability, look for money-back guarantees so you’re getting your money’s worth.
Another feature to look for is being FDA-cleared and tested for safety and efficiency.
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