September 14, 2017 2 min read

The international Yoga revolution continues apace and with it come new claims about Yoga for improved sleep. Over half of Yoga participants say that practicing this ancient Eastern discipline helps them sleep better and that’s good news.

Let’s look at the breathing component of Yoga and why it’s part of Yoga’s effectiveness for inducing a better night’s rest.

Breathe right, sleep tight.

In the practice of Yoga, breathing is of central importance. Breathing makes the poses more effective by allowing your muscles to relax into them. Known as “ujjayi” the technique trains Yoga students to breathe in slowly through the mouth and to exhale through the nose.

In the exhalation, students are taught to constrict their throats to produce a “ha” sound, with the mouth closed. The effect is like hearing waves lap on a shore.

This method of breathing soothes both mind and body and is key to the effectiveness of this ancient practice. Following are several Yoga poses which promote rest and stress relief. The first two employ ujjayi breathing and all should be held for at least 30 seconds.


Balasana - Good Morning Snore Solution

Kneeling on the floor, bring your feet together with your big toes touching. Now push your knees outward, to about hip width. Slowly and employing the ujjayi breathing technique, lower your upper body onto your thighs.

The front of both arms should be resting on the mat, so your fingertips are pointing backwards. Your forehead should be on the ground. Gently turn your head side to side to help release tension.

Viparita Karani

Viparita Karani - Good Morning Snore Solution

(This pose is particularly good at the end of a long day, as it serves to recirculate the blood in your legs and feet.)

With your mat laid lengthwise against the wall, get close enough to walk your feet up until your legs are straight. Then pull your bottom towards the wall, with your back flat on the floor, arms extended outward from your sides.


Savasana - Good Morning Snore Solution

Lying on your back, pull your knees up to your chest, holding them there with your arms as you exhale deeply (and normally, as this pose doesn’t employ ujjayi breathing).

Release your knees and extend your legs, relaxing them when fully extended, so your feet fall to the side. Your arms should be at your sides, completely relaxed, palms up.

Make sure your lower back is pushed firmly into the mat as you extend your legs. Do this by tightening your abdominal muscles. Now release, allowing your lower back to completely relax. There should be no pain or tightness.

These three poses are offered to help you breathe right and sleep tight. Yoga for improved sleep is helping millions enjoy a better night’s rest and the health benefits associated with quality sleep.

These three poses are offered to help you breathe right and sleep tight. Yoga for improved sleep is helping millions enjoy a better night’s rest and the health benefits associated with quality sleep.

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