June 10, 2019 2 min read

We did some digging and found some of the most commonly asked questions about sleep… and we are here to answer them for you! Let’s jump right in and see if any of these are questions that have been on your mind too.

What are the negative effects of too much sleep?

Many people know that lack of sleep can be harmful, but wonder about too much sleep. Can you really sleeptoo much? Needing more than 8 or 9 hours of sleep and health problems such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, depression and headaches seem to be correlated. Although there is a correlation, cause and effect isn't clear, because you do tend to need more rest when you are sick.1

Additionally, research from a large sleep study has concluded that people who sleep on an average of 7 to 8 hours per night performed better cognitively than those who slept more than this amount, showing the impacts of oversleeping on the brain.2

In short, if you are sleeping too much, it isn't the most positive sign for your brain or body. This question is probably asked so much because there is not a simple answer, but in the case that you are sleeping too much, it would be a good idea to see a health professional to find out why.

What are some of the sleep issues that stop people from getting a proper sleep?

Opposite of too much sleep, there are people who do not get enough, and obviously want to know why. Even some of the medical conditions that are correlated with excess sleep can also cause lack of sleep. Some of the common conditions that cause poor sleep include:

  • Heartburn
  • Heart failure
  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Kidney disease
  • Thyroid disease
  • Snoring
  • Sleep apnea
  • Anxiety
  • Depression3

What are the effects of sleep apnea if left untreated?

The list above mentions sleep apnea, another commonly Googled phrase when it comes to sleep. To be more specific, lots of people want to know the effects if it is left untreated. The mayo clinic lists these as the top complications that sleep apnea can include:

  • Daytime fatigue due to poor sleep
  • High blood pressure or heat problems due to lack of oxygen
  • Type 2 diabetes due to increased risk of insulin resistance
  • Liver problems due to decreased liver function
  • Sleep-deprived partners due to loud snoring keeping them up4

What causes snoring and what can I do about it?

Along with sleep apnea, snoring is a very common sleep issue that people need help to find a solution for. Some of the most common causes of snoring include excess weight, alcohol consumption, smoking, medication, allergies, throat and nasal structure, and sleep apnea.

Because there are many possible causes, there can be multiple approaches to reduce your snoring.

Weight, alcohol and smoking can be controlled by diet and avoidance, which will help decrease your risk of snoring. An immediate solution that has helped countless people eliminate snoring is an anti snoring mouthpiece, specifically the Good Morning Snore Solution.

Was your burning question not listed? Tweet @BestMorningEver your question and we will find you the answer! 








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