December 19, 2016 3 min read

When you settle in to bed at night, how long does it take you to fall asleep? Perhaps you fall asleep immediately, or maybe you spend half the night tossing and turning. When it comes to sleep, it is not just the amount of sleep you get that matters – it is also the quality of your sleep. Low-quality sleep can result in a number of health problems, just as high-quality sleep can produce significant health benefits. In this article, you will learn the top seven benefits of good sleep.


Top Health Benefits of Good Sleep
You probably already know the difference in how you feel between getting a good night’s sleep and a bad night of sleep. When you are well-rested, you feel energized and ready to conquer the day. If you do not sleep well, you may feel irritable and unfocused. Getting high-quality sleep is incredibly important for your health and wellbeing – you will find a list of the top seven health benefits associated with good sleep below:

  1. Improved Memory – Even though you may be asleep, your brain is still working. While you sleep, your brain strengthens your memories and mentally practices skills you learned when you were awake. Getting a good night’s rest will improve your memory function in the morning.
  2. Longer Life – According to a 2010 study, mortality rates were higher in women who got less than 5 hours of sleep per night. Getting too little sleep has long been correlated to shorter lifespans. Good sleep will not only help you feel better, but may help you live longer as well.
  3. Reduced Inflammation – Many chronic diseases, like diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis, are closely linked to inflammation. Studies have shown that people who get less than 6 hours of sleep per night have higher levels of inflammatory proteins in their blood than people who get adequate sleep.
  4. Improved Creativity – If you work in a creative profession, you may find that you feel more inspired after a good night’s sleep. Not only does high-quality sleep consolidate your memories, but it gives your brain time to restructure and reorganize them, which may lead to bursts of creativity.
  5. Enhanced Performance – When you get up in the morning after a poor night of sleep, you probably feel sluggish and dull. Getting a good night’s sleep is key to enhanced performance, especially for athletes.
  6. Sharpened Attention – A 2009 study published in Pediatrics journal revealed that children between the ages of 7 and 8 years old who got less than 8 hours of sleep per night were more likely to be impulsive, inattentive, and hyperactive. Getting a good night’s sleep will help you feel more focused and attentive in the morning.
  7. Healthy Weight Maintenance – If you are trying to lose weight or simply want to maintain a healthy weight, sleep is very important. A study conducted by the University of Chicago found that dieters who were well-rested lost more fat than those who were sleep-deprived.

The amount of sleep you get each night, and the quality of that sleep, is directly linked to your health and wellbeing. If you want to be focused, healthy, and wake up ready to do your taxes at 5am, then you need to make an effort to get a good night’s sleep as often as you can.

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