May 01, 2022 3 min read
MPowrx is committed to helping people enjoy better lives. We do this by developing innovative products that directly affect the health and wellbeing of our customers. We also do this by teaming up with charities and non profit organizations that are working to address social issues. For the past few years, we have run several give back campaigns through Good Morning Snore Solution. We do this by partnering with organizations to support their incredible missions, and this year is no different!
May is Mental Health Awareness month, and for the entire month, Good Morning Snore Solution will be partnering with, donating a portion of all sales to this inspiring organization. is Canada's only charity training and empowering young leaders to revolutionize mental health in every province and territory.
Why was started?
Jack Windeler died by suicide at 18 years old in his first year at Queens University. For whatever reasons, Jack was unable to reach out for the help he needed.
Wanting to ensure that every young person struggling is identified and gets the help they need, Jack's parents Eric Windeler and Sandra Hanington started a memorial fund at Kids Help Phone. Out of this fund grew The Jack Project, an initiative aimed at doing its part to improve youth mental health across Canada. In 2013, The Jack Project rebranded as and received charitable status, becoming a fully independent registered charity.
Why does focus on youth?
Youth know themselves best. They know their own issues and their obstacles. Who is better positioned to address the effects of social media on mental health? Who better understands the effects of wait times for counsellors on campus? Who can best describe the weight of stigma in high school?
But perhaps most importantly, young people know how to talk to one another. The evidence shows that young people are more likely to take advice from a peer than an adult. So who is better positioned to design strategies for healthy community-building on Instagram? Who can inspire trust and action? Who has the energy and the insight to reject the status quo and build something better?
Given adequate training and an appropriate platform for action, young people have the capacity to change the culture and address the upstream problems surrounding youth mental health. We work with young people to identify their community's specific barriers to positive mental health and co-design strategies to combat them. provides young people with the skills, tools, and connections they need to set goals and reach them.
Why is mental health awareness so important?
One in seven youth in Canada report having suicidal thoughts. This year, 150,000 of these young people will act on these thoughts by attempting suicide. For hundreds of them, the attempt will prove fatal. This is the leading health-related cause of death for young people in Canada.
Canada has the 3rd highest rate of youth suicide in the industrial world and though this fact underscores a state of emergency, it says nothing about the millions of young people across the country who are struggling with their mental health without reporting suicidal ideation.
This is the health crisis of this generation and is the epidemic around which built its mission: to revolutionize mental health.
For the entire month of May, we’ll be donating $1 from every Good Morning Snore Solution sale to We’ll also be spending Mental Health Awareness Month sharing some mental health resources in order to positively contribute to the great work that organizations like this do all year round.
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